Porsche Korea (CEO Holger Gerrmann) announced that it donated 242 Million KRW towards ‘Porsche Future Heritage’. Through ‘Porsche Future Heritage,’ an intangible cultural heritage transmission support project conducted in collaboration with the Korea Cultural Heritage Foundation (Chairman Choi Young-chang), Porsche Korea aims to create an environment for sustainable preservation of cultural heritage and contribute to the creation of future values.
Marking its second year, ‘Porsche Future Heritage’ is part of the 'Porsche Do Dream' social con-tribution campaign. This year, 30 million KRW will be donated to support the handicraft and en-tertainment fields struggling with promotion activities, and 212 Million KRW will be contributed to expand the support scope for traditional arts performances where young and rising tradition-al musicians can showcase their talents.
On the 19th of last month, Porsche Korea delivered a transmission support fund of 30 million KRW for continuous support of national intangible cultural heritage. 5 million KRW each to two individuals in the fields of crafts (Musical instrument making, Horsehair Headband Making) and performing arts (Daegum Sanjo, Gagok), and 10 million KRW to the entertainment group, Buk-cheongsajanoleum, were delivered.
In addition, through supporting traditional and fusion Korean music performances, Porsche Ko-rea plans to provide opportunities for rising artists and promote the historical, unique, and artis-tic aspects of traditional culture to contribute to its popularization.
Through this, performances such as “Dongsang Dongmong”, a fusion Korean music perfor-mance that combines pop music and creative dance to make traditional arts and music more interesting for teenagers, and “Cheoyong Na’ryehee”, a modern reinterpretation of “Na’rye”, a ritual performed on the last day of the year as the intangible cultural heritage “Cheoyongmu” as a motif, will be presented to engage the audience.
Meanwhile, Porsche Korea has donated a total of 746 million KRW to the Korea Cultural Herit-age Foundation through 'Porsche Future Heritage.' Following last year's cultural education pro-ject 'Dream Finds You' with the national intangible cultural heritage successors and transmis-sion, a special exhibition 'Gifts sent to Prince Heinrich in 1899' will be held until July 2nd at De-okhongjeon in Deoksugung Palace. This exhibition showcases the reproduced works of tradi-tional crafts located overseas.